Friday, July 31, 2009

orientation week

Orientation Weekの時、私International OfficeのBuddie's 参加します。その時、私たちマレーシア文化のファッションショーをやりました。

During the semester break, I joined the organizing committee of The Orientation Week for International Students in USM. I was a fun and loving experience. One of the highlights was the Fashion Show of various culture in Malaysia. It was an existing and eye opening agenda to the International Students. For one, We-Buddies was of different race and background. Example, in the photo above, there are Malays, Chinese, Thais, Japanese.

In the picture above itself consist of 3races. Chinese, which is me^^, Malay, and Kadazan.

ここ場所はInternational OfficeのResource Roomです。私たちはとってもカラフルでした。

We took this family picture in the back of The International Office, or more widely known as The resource room. What a colourful batch we are.


This was the Chinese costume Trios. However, the one in the centre is actually a Malay. Nevertheless, he never looked like one. He is more Chinese than I am, Ish~!!

1 comment:

  1. みんな楽しそう~!
